Welcome to Universal Corrosion Prevention India (UCPI)
  • 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • We Serve with Pleasure


Quality Assured

Our Best Services

UCPI provides Cathodic Protection Solutions of diversified nature across lengths and breadths of the country encompassing thousands of kilometers of cross-country pipeline, tank bottoms, buried vessels, plants, jetties and other off shore structures. We have managed to reach the topmost position of being India’s proven and the most trusted leading company in the Cathodic Protection field providing Sacrificial & ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) solutions involving activities

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Consult Our Experts

The Company based on a group of dynamic & highly experienced IIT Engineers in the field of CORROSION PREVENTION & CATHODIC PROTECTION to safeguard important infrastructures, installations & facilities from corrosion.


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