Welcome to Universal Corrosion Prevention India (UCPI)
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Research & Development

Research & Development

Our Experience Delivers Solutions.

15+ Years Experience Working

Welcome to the website of UNIVERSAL CORROSION PREVENTION INDIA (UCPI).This website aims to give you general information about Corrosion Prevention by accurate Cathodic Protection technique and help you out to combat your structural corrosion damages by understanding the same. UCPI is dedicated to develop this website as knowledge hub with respect to corrosion and its control. We hope our website will serve as a bridge of friendship linking you and us, and through the website, you will be able to have a better knowledge and understanding of Corrosion Prevention.We hope you will enjoy your visit here and find the information you need. At the same time, you are welcome to make comments and suggestions, so that we can improve the website and perfect our service.

Research & Development | Universal Corrosion Prevention India (UCPI)
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The Company based on a group of dynamic & highly experienced IIT Engineers in the field of CORROSION PREVENTION & CATHODIC PROTECTION to safeguard important infrastructures, installations & facilities from corrosion.


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